Tuesday 2 April 2013

Sammy's Story Continues .......

 Battling against blizzard conditions yet again, I popped into the Botanics to check on Sammy the Squirrel and his family. The snow seems to come down, carpet the ground, disappear just as quickly, and then return with a vengeance as if winter is scared to let spring get a hold. I stopped at the duck pond for a quick chat - or should that be quack - with Donna and Dougie Duck who had managed to find a sheltered spot beside the ice cold water. Mrs Duck was in a real tizzy, waddling up and down, plopping her webbed feet on the gravel in frustration and nodding her head in annoyance. I enquired as to the problem - big mistake. She settled herself in front of me, looking defiantly at poor duck-pecked Dougie in case he dare open his beak, and off she went.
"Call this spring!! There's more spring in my old man than the weather and that's saying something. And the water ..... Never have I known the water to be so cold. My poor tail feathers aren't what they used to be. Plunging into the pond plays havoc with my rear end, not to mention my legs. And   
then there's my quacking. How's a respectable lady duck like me supposed to keep a difficult Duck like Dougie in check when I have a quack like a hungry frog. And talking of hungry ......"
 Giving Dougie a sly wink, I decided to say a hasty goodbye and continue on my way. There's only so much ducking you can take in one day. Searching for Sammy was proving difficult. Snow-dappled pine cones clung to their branches, fringes of white hung from the trees, whilst yellow, white and purple crocuses pushed their way through the frozen earth to add a splash of colour to the winter wonderland. But no Sammy. Robbie Robin was chirping away along the path to the cafe, so I paused a while to wish him good morning. Robbie is always cheerful, his bright red breast emblazoned against the snowy grass. He chortled loudly when I mentioned the elusive Sammy. "Busy he is now, with the little ones to see to. Mrs Squirrel has him clearing the snow, collecting food, and gathering pussy willow for the three bairns. Seldom see him myself at the moment. Seems so long since we sat together in the evening enjoying a glass of berry juice and a game of tiddly nuts. Mind you, its not the weather for sitting around catching a chill. Took a turn about the cafe a moment ago, but nobody sits
outside in this, so no crumbs for poor Robbie. Still, must not complain, gotta keep smiling. Spring is bound to be on its way .... "
 Catching a glimpse of Sammy out of the corner of my eye, I bade farewell to Robbie and turned my attention to my squirrel friend. Never had I seen him looking so harrassed. His poor bushy tail looked much the worse for wear, no doubt from clearing all the snow, his tam o' shanter was pulled down tight over his ears, and his scarf tied securely around his neck. Persuading him to calm down for a second, I leant against the tree and politely asked after the family. "Eat and sleep, sleep and eat ....... chitter chatter, chitter chatter ...... taking up more and more room. The trouble with little ones is they grow, and grow very quickly. But I wouldn't be without them. I guess they will be gone soon enough, out there fending for themselves, so we must make the most of having them home with us. Mustn't tarry too long, though. Mrs Squirrel, god bless her, has me out gathering the first of the pussy willow. She's busy making socks and mittens for the young uns. This weather is so bad, so cold, so much snow. Spring must be round the corner, although it does seem an awfully big corner right now. Must get on now, so sorry time is of the essence. Next time you call by I shall have longer to chat ..... and please bring some nuts. Nuts would be much appreciated." With that he was gone, back from whence he came. Smiling to myself I made my way to the cafe and a warming bowl of soup, making a mental note to ensure an adequate supply of nuts accompanied my next visit.

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