Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Fringe is full of Oddbods ........

I adore them, every single one of them ....... the oddbods that explode onto the streets of Edinburgh during the Fringe. You can't escape them, they are all around you, popping up when you least expect them, crazy people with a wicked sense of humour. They could be promoting a play, showcasing their own particular brand of comedy, thrusting snippets of their shows at passers-by, spreading fun and laughter and more than a few bemused looks as people gather round. This is maybe the epitome of the Edinburgh Fringe, a plethera of characters sitting, standing, dancing, singing .... or indeed doing very little. You have to stop awhile and watch, apprehensive but curious, mindful that at any moment you could be drawn into their world, participating in the weird and the wonderfully bizarre. And it must be said that there are more than a few members of the public who are equally as whacky as the performers. It must be something in the air, maybe a tot too far from the whisky bottle, a strange reaction to an over-indulgence of haggis ..... or just "Fringe syndrome", the result of prolonged exposure to the lunacy that is the festival season.
Oddbods abound along the High Street, draped in camoflage nets, residing on benches with seagulls perched precariously on bowler hats, Michael Jackson moonwalking across the cobbled streets, ducks from outer space performing song and dance acts. And talking of singing, one talented young lady, reminiscent of Victoria Wood, took to the stage dressed as a toilet! Flushed with success, maybe? No, please don't groan. It's purely a mild case of Fringe syndrome ...... At least she didn't need to take a seat - she was wearing one. Did her act go down the pan (groan). No, I don't think so ...
It is not just peculiar folk that spring up come August, oh no. Dogs that perform magic tricks, out-of-the-ordinary puppets, the odd passing bath, balloons twisted into every shape known to man, the Fringe has it all. Young ladies popping in and out of coffins, bodies tied up, chained up, up ladders, down ladders ..... where else could you find all this but
Scotland's stunning capital city during August.
If you have never been to the Fringe, make it a must for 2014. You are missing out on so much fun and laughter, so much talent, so many comical interludes. And I challenge anyone to go away without a smile on their face. The world comes to Edinburgh during festival season, embraces its culture and laughs with its people. So join them, soak up the atmosphere, be a part of one of the most important events in the city's calendar. Bring a little sunshine into your life, relax and prepare body and soul for the lead up to Christmas. Did I just say Christmas? Sorry ........ 

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