A bitter north wind, the kind that chills every ounce of your being, was whistling through the trees as I popped back to the Botanics to see how Sammy the Squirrel and his family were faring. Knowing he and Mrs Squirrel would almost certainly have their hands full with the new arrivals, I was somewhat surprised to see Sammy sat high on the branch of a tree, nibbling on a nut without a care in the world. I politely enquired after his offspring, wondering where he found the time to sit around and let life pass him by. Three youngsters, he advised me, leaning back on his tail and twitching his nose, and all girls. "Two weeks old, and already I'm feeling very much outnumbered. Sharing a drey with four women is almost more than any respectable squirrel can bear." This last comment was accompanied by a mischievous grin, so I
Monday, 18 March 2013
How Do You Do, Hamish
A bitter north wind, the kind that chills every ounce of your being, was whistling through the trees as I popped back to the Botanics to see how Sammy the Squirrel and his family were faring. Knowing he and Mrs Squirrel would almost certainly have their hands full with the new arrivals, I was somewhat surprised to see Sammy sat high on the branch of a tree, nibbling on a nut without a care in the world. I politely enquired after his offspring, wondering where he found the time to sit around and let life pass him by. Three youngsters, he advised me, leaning back on his tail and twitching his nose, and all girls. "Two weeks old, and already I'm feeling very much outnumbered. Sharing a drey with four women is almost more than any respectable squirrel can bear." This last comment was accompanied by a mischievous grin, so I
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